As the 23-year old girl struggles for life, I can only express my anguish and pray for her speedy recovery. The fateful night can't be forgotten. We can't imagine the trauma she is facing and the agony that she is undergoing. Swami Vivekananda had once said that a nation which doesn't respect their women can never progress. Well, I believe in India, respect is something girls have to struggle for endlessly. Because, deep down in the man's psyche, he still feels that woman is the weaker sex. Or wait a minute, do they think so or do they force themselves to think so? Women of today have carved a niche for themselves in every field they have endeavoured. This is a fact that even the male chauvinist pigs cannot deny. They have proved to the world that a woman is an embodiment of great courage, determination and spirit. This is why the rape survivor ,who was tortured , still has a strong will to survive. What gives her the strength? She is made that way! Lets get o...
With an inner desire to inspire, I believe in an individual's power to change the world. I envision a Matilda (i.e. battle maiden) in each one of us.