Recently, Baba Ramdev and Team Anna have again raised the topic of black money. They are accusing the UPA II ministers of keeping lot of illegal money in the swiss bank and of being corrupt. This time, they have taken the support of the CAG's report on coalgate scam to prove their view.
This issue had been raised once before and had created ruckus in the country. On one side, Anna hazare had gone on an endless fast while ramdev organised dharnas and community awareness. They tried to mobilise people against the ministers to garner support. The government finally decided to introduce a lokpal bill to provide a legal framework to probe corruption charges against the ministers.The detectives(i.e. Baba Ramdev and Team Anna) gave the government a deadline which was met but they were not satisfied with the layout.
I emphatically believe that it is necessary to combat corruption but one can't just keep making new and new laws. It would be wiser if we first enforce RTI in a fierce form , implement it to clear out the underground economy.Let us not undermine the power of our existing laws and constitution which can help to increase transparency. Team Anna has all good intentions while suggesting the lokpal. But in coalition politics as prevalent in our nation, laws are made at snail's pace. So in my view till the new ones are made we must not slacken in our fight against corruption. Every citizen of the country must surely file an RTI complaint if at all they feel there is lack of honesty at some level. As Mahatma gandhi told his youth leaders," We must be the change we want in the world." Individual effort can make a sea difference." The cause of our serial detectives is absolutely righteous but they must first start from the ground . Here our aim must be to make the wide base of our nation's pyramid stronger. This will build enough resistance to fight the oppression of the top notches.Therefore if we make our grass root levels strong enough to oppose the pressure from the .this way our country will be free of corruption. Our chief economist also said that India can achieve a higher growth rate if there is higher political will. Team Anna and baba Ramdev must know that fasting can just create more obstacles in our government's functioning rather than smoothening it.Fasting is good for cleansing our body but certainly not the nation!!
Recently, Baba Ramdev and Team Anna have again raised the topic of black money. They are accusing the UPA II ministers of keeping lot of illegal money in the swiss bank and of being corrupt. This time, they have taken the support of the CAG's report on coalgate scam to prove their view.
This issue had been raised once before and had created ruckus in the country. On one side, Anna hazare had gone on an endless fast while ramdev organised dharnas and community awareness. They tried to mobilise people against the ministers to garner support. The government finally decided to introduce a lokpal bill to provide a legal framework to probe corruption charges against the ministers.The detectives(i.e. Baba Ramdev and Team Anna) gave the government a deadline which was met but they were not satisfied with the layout.
I emphatically believe that it is necessary to combat corruption but one can't just keep making new and new laws. It would be wiser if we first enforce RTI in a fierce form , implement it to clear out the underground economy.Let us not undermine the power of our existing laws and constitution which can help to increase transparency. Team Anna has all good intentions while suggesting the lokpal. But in coalition politics as prevalent in our nation, laws are made at snail's pace. So in my view till the new ones are made we must not slacken in our fight against corruption. Every citizen of the country must surely file an RTI complaint if at all they feel there is lack of honesty at some level. As Mahatma gandhi told his youth leaders," We must be the change we want in the world." Individual effort can make a sea difference." The cause of our serial detectives is absolutely righteous but they must first start from the ground . Here our aim must be to make the wide base of our nation's pyramid stronger. This will build enough resistance to fight the oppression of the top notches.Therefore if we make our grass root levels strong enough to oppose the pressure from the .this way our country will be free of corruption. Our chief economist also said that India can achieve a higher growth rate if there is higher political will. Team Anna and baba Ramdev must know that fasting can just create more obstacles in our government's functioning rather than smoothening it.Fasting is good for cleansing our body but certainly not the nation!!

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