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Showing posts from July, 2017

Exhilarating Elixir : RAIN

I am witnessing the sight of condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling as separate drops. To simplify, its raining! To me, rain is a longing. As a child, it was like water coming as God’s gift to humans. But now, it feels more like a reason to stop and just stare. Isn’t it magic that one spell of rain can make everything look fresh and brand new? The lush green grass, the wooden fence, the red brick buildings and everything else that comes its way! Actually, lets step back a little. When the black nimbus clouds envelop the sky, it makes the morning feel like the dusk. It is as if the sun is going through morning sickness and wants some more time in bed. Whoever knew nature and mankind converge much more than they diverge?  As little kids, most of us made paper boats and left them to sail in the puddles. The exhilaration would be maximum during the first spells of the season. Considering the high degree pollution from industrial activity and vehicular emissions, acid rain is