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Showing posts from December, 2013

The Trilemma of Politics!

Someone rightly said that Politics, Cricket and Tragedy are the three forces that unite the people of India. Politics has been a favourite chai-time theme for all Indians across classes and communities. Recently, we have all seen how the race to the bottom has led to no party forming the government in our capital, Delhi. Newspapers say 'The assembly is hung, so over to Jung.' And Mr. Jung is narrowing on the President rule to break the political impasse. I am not a mind reader but here is how I think he would have thought! The trilemma shown below explains the interactions of our electoral competitors: BJP--->Congress BJP and Congress, being the two seasonal opponents, can never form a coalition. Having been on the opposite sides of the fence always, this alliance was out of question. How can fire and water show their might being at the same place? AAP--->Congress The ambitious amateur AAP which has gained a foot hold in Delhi, took advantage of the all-seas...

The unheard echo of the valley!

Let the beauty remain pristine, Let the glory reflect in every scene... Let the sound of valley echo happiness, Let not such scars and spots fill it with darkness... Let it not become a political gimmick to fight on, Let it instead help the men there to get up and move on...slowly and steadily! Kashmir is NOT a separate state, it is a part of our own Union. There have recently been vigorous verbal tussles over the Article 370 that provides special status to Jammu & Kashmir. This article has made the magnificence of this land opaque. Read the newsfeed and take it as a daily dose! But this time, I paused and jotted down some critical queries that came to my mind. After reading the history of this Article, one realises that this article, as envisioned by the makers of our constitution,  was to help this part of India to get well integrated with the rest of India after having faced violent struggles during partition. It was finally decided that the J&K...