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Showing posts from June, 2013

Punished For Speaking The Truth?

Since childhood, I was taught that if you lie, God will punish you! Why is then Snowden being expelled for exposing the true facts? I fail to understand. In today's times, if a person tries to go against the wind, his opponents change the direction of the wind. But here, US authorities are indirectly admitting their crime by naming him a traitor. The man who has saved the mankind is being accused as a traitor!! The chain of events is clear and the reaction of the US government is making the grey patches clearer. Through a top-secret program called PRISM, authorized by federal judges working under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), the U.S. intelligence community had gained access to the servers of nine Internet companies for a wide range of digital data.  They were undertaking warrantless wiretapping of U.S. domestic telephone communications in 2005.   NSA (national Security Agency) had been extracting details of people illegally under the PRISM

The Deathly Disaster!

A woman who had gone to pray for her son's long life in Badrinath... A small girl who was enjoying her family trip to a hillstation in Nainital.. A man who had just taken a Rs. 20 lakh loan to buid his house on the hilltop... An old man who had just retired and come for the char dham journey with his wife... A young boy who just cleared IIT exam with an amazing score waiting to join his dream college... Their wishes as if have vanished into thin air , now can't be fulfilled. They never expected a disaster to happen in God's abode. A true devotee of God can never be harmed because he lies in God's lap. Then why did this happen? 10,000 deaths have been counted and there are many more which are yet to be found. A wave that has taken all that came its way. If thought through, I feel it is all our fault. We take liberties with nature, she keeps tolerating till a point when she loses her strength. Thousands of guest houses have been constructed on the river

'ADV'ising the 'MODI'fied 'RAJ' !!

Wait a minute, did I hear Advani resigning after Modi’s appointment as the PM candidate of NDA? Knowing that my view won’t change the things that happened, I would still like to express my opinion on the same. Mr. Advani who was holding the post of the head of the National Executive, the Parliamentary Board, and the Election Committee , has sent his resignation letter after Modi was selected as the head of 2014 eletion campaign. What forced him to do this and is it actually right to do this? Here is how I thought it out! Advani was a close associate of Atal Behari Vajpayee and has worked with him throughout. He, no doubt, has helped BJP to gain the prominence it has today. From just 2 seats in the union parliament to now being the major opposition party- none can deny the greatness of the leader. Mr. Vajpayee, since BJP’s inception has always focused on maintaining unity within the party. It is a team that can accomplish a mission which might seem impossible to achie

The Happiness Dividend !!

Here is a new way to measure your progress!   GNH- Gross National Happiness An extremely innovative modification of the Human Development Report, this new variable estimates how far has growth being actualized as higher living standards. This term which was coined by the former Bhutanese king Jigme Wangchuck in 1972, has come into common parlance recently. A very similar effort has been made by Mexico where the government makes annual measurements of the Genuine Progress Index (GPI).Bhutan, a country which has just come out of the wriggles of dictatorship, has always based their development goals on GNH. The surprising part is that they even have a Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC) which gives out annual reports just like Indian Economic Survey released every year by the Ministry of Finance. This index is measured by four parameters namely equitable and sustainable socio-economic development, promotion of culture, conservation of natural resources and good gov